Media coaching with a large independent school
A large independent school
After taking part in a crisis simulation exercise, the school’s senior leadership team identified that they lacked the confidence and understanding of how to deal with intense media interest.
As experts in media crisis training, AI Schools was asked to help address this, so if a crisis were to happen, the school would feel comfortable in knowing how to respond to the press.
AI Schools prepared and delivered a one-day on-site training session, covering:
Understanding the media perspective, to help prepare for difficult media questions
How to prepare a statement and remain “on message” in an interview, helping the school to create a concise, informative and relevant statement
How to be convincing on camera, looking at confident body language and how to help combat nerves
Individual “interviews to camera” with critique, to perfect their style, techniques and delivery
After the training session, the feedback from participants was that they “no longer viewed the media with dread, as they understood how to work with them”.
Individual feedback on the simulation exercise included:
“Thank you for an excellent session, it was enjoyable, valuable and interesting.”
Find out more about our Media Coaching programme.

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